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PENINSULA Set to Launch in 185 Countries

Jul 13, 2020
  • Writer by Pierce Conran
  • View6955
TRAIN TO BUSAN Follow-Up Drums up Huge Overseas Interest

Peninsula, the highly anticipated sequel to YEON Sang-ho’s global phenomenon TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016), is poised to be another breakthrough success after foreign sale agent Contents Panda announced that the film has been presold to 185 countries across the globe.

The film will open in Korea, as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan, where TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) was a massive success, on July 15, with Malaysia following a day later. Peninsula has also been picked up by distributors in Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom, as well as outfits across North and South America, Central and South Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and Scandinavia. The 185 country tally marks an improvement over TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016), which was presold to 160 international markets.

Following a new group of characters, Peninsula is set four years after the events of TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016), after South Korea has fallen into a post-apocalyptic wasteland following a zombie pandemic. GANG Dong-won (Master, 2016), who plays Jung-suk, a character who returns to the Korean Peninsula after the outbreak, leads a cast that also includes LEE Jung-hyun (The Battleship Island, 2017), LEE Re (Hope, 2013), KWON Hae-hyo (The Day After, 2018) and KOO Kyo-hwan (Jane, 2016)

The film was announced as an official selection of the Cannes Film Festival this year, though no festival took place owing to the COVID-19 crisis. TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) originally debuted in the Midnight Screenings section at Cannes four years ago, where it scored rave reviews, before becoming a hit around the world and grossing well in excess of USD 100 million in the process.
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