• Film


Happy End (1999)
< Hae-pi-en-deu >
  • Happy End
Min-ki is a banker who gets laid off after six years of service. Although he's under constant sense of uneasiness, he lives his new leisurely life without stress of work, thanks to the uccessful career of his wire Bo-ra. Taking care of their baby daughter, doing the housework, and spending quiet time reading at the park. these are all blessings for Min-ki.
Meanwhile, Bo-ra is having an affair with her college sweetheart Il-bum, with whom she was separated when he he left...more
Genre Romance, Thriller Production Status Released
Running Time 99min Release Date Dec 11, 1999
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Box Office
  • Number of Screens : 1
  • Total Admissions : 479
  • Total Gross : $2,903
As of Jul 26, 2024
Contact Point
  • Little Big Pictures | sales@little-big.co.kr
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