• Film


The Time Left Behind (2011)
< Ji-na-beo-rin Si-gan >
  • The Time Left Behind
One ordinary day, there was an incident at small theatre in Seoul. A hero of a play, Jeongsuk, falls down on stage after being stabbed by the heroin, Jina, during a regular performance. The entire audience believe that Jeongsuk's action is a performance and applaud his fine acting. But soon, they realise that the blood spurting out from Jeongsuk's chest is real and start to panic and the knife that Jina used to stab jeongsuk was not a prop. Before long, Jina commites suicide ...more
Genre Thriller, Drama Production Status Preparing for Release
Running Time Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Korean Co-Production N
Contact Point
  • Sang Sang Nanum | sophieshin1223@gmail.com
Director & Producer
Production & Sales Company
Cast Staff
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