• Film


Homo Faber (2001)
< Homo Faber >
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Choong-sik's father is an out-and-outer. He comes back home at exactly 7 o'clock and has his dinner meal. After dinner, he always checks Choong-sik on his work with loads of questions. Choong-sik is sick of his father's supervising review of his school work but can't stand against him.
One day, his father asks him what 'the tool-using man' means. However, Choong-sik doesn't know the correct answer. Their home is suddenly plunged in the depths of panic. His father's pun...more
Genre Production Status
Running Time 15min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Contact Point
  • Mirovision Inc. | sales@mirovision.com
Director & Producer
Production & Sales Company
Awards and Invitation
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