• Film


Dasepo Naughty Girls (2006)
< Da-se-po So-nyeo >
  • Dasepo Naughty Girls
“No-Use High School” is renowned for its sexual aberrations: a host of sexually ambiguous students and a student president and vice-president who flaunt their taste for S&amp;M. But even in this environment, there are a few students who stand out: “Poor Girl” who earns money for her family by sleeping with old men; “Anthony,” a luxurious pretty-boy from Switzerland; and “One Eye,” the school’s sole virgin. Poor Girl falls in love with Anthony at first s...more
Genre Comedy, Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 111min Release Date Aug 10, 2006
Country South Korea Rating 15
Language Korean Co-Production N
Box Office
  • Number of Screens : 199
  • Total Admissions : 476,732
  • Total Gross : $2,066,064
As of Jul 26, 2024
Contact Point
  • Mirovision Inc. | sales@mirovision.com
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