• Film


Kam-Bo (1986)
< Kkam-bo >
  • Kam-Bo
Kam-bo is released from jail after serving five years for smuggling. He looks for his accomplice, Dong-il, and his wife. Dong-il has cleaned up his old life, determined to start anew. Kam-bo goes to the racetracks to kill time. A hustler pickpockets Kam-bo but he is rendered helpless by Kam-bo's strength when he catches up with him. The two become friends. The hustler gives Kam-bo a watch. Unwittingly, Kam-bo becomes a suspect in a murder due to the watch. Kam-bo and the hust...more
Genre Action, Drama Production Status Released
Running Time 100min Release Date Mar 15, 1986
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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