• Film


The Woman And Rain (1982)
< Yeo-ja-wa Bi >
  • The Woman And Rain
On her engagement trip with her fiancee, the novelist Mun-ho, Yeon-ji is unable to resist giving herself to Dong-wu, Mun-ho's friend. When he sees a hickey on Yeon-ji's neck, Mun-ho is deeply distressed and the two break up. But when Mun-ho gets in a car accident, Yeon-ji is by his side with sincere tears of love in her eyes and they get married. Meanwhile, Dong-wu asks Eun-ju, the daughter of a conglomerate chairman, for help but she refuses him. Dong-wu hangs around Yeon-ji...more
Genre Drama, Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 98min Release Date Sep 04, 1982
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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