• Film


Colorful Woman (1981)
< Saek-kkal-it-neun Yeo-ja >
  • Colorful Woman
Yun Si-nae, principal of an orphanage, leads a double life working as a call girl named So-hi on weekends. She hires a young man, Han Baek-min as a teacher and he falls in love with her. She rejects his love. He gets stabbed while saving a woman teacher Sun-nyeo from bullies and hospitalized. Si-nae is in agony because she comes to love him. Sun-nyeo hires people to find out about Si-nae's double life and reveals it to Baek-min to keep him for herself. Baek-min understands th...more
Genre Drama, Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 95min Release Date Jun 27, 1981
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Director & Producer
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