• Film


A stranger in my heart (1971)
< Ta-in-i Doen Dang-sin >
  • A stranger in my heart
Jun-Shik doesn't like Min-Ja, an arrogant girl from a rich family, and his mother Kang's vanity. He marries Sun-Yeo whom he met on his trip along the south coast. Jun-Shik gets to manage his father's company after his retirement while Sun-Yeo runs away from home, not bearing her mother-in-law's behavior toward her. Sun-Yeo becomes a teacher of elementary school while Jun-Shik remarries Min-Ja. Soon Min-Ja bears a son Ho-Cheol, who gets to live with Sang-Cheol, Sun-Yeo's son. ...more
Genre Drama, Romance Production Status
Running Time 93min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Director & Producer
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