<Circle> Animafest Zagreb - World Festival of Animated Film (2024) - GRAND COMPETITION ― SHORT FILM
- SPECIAL AWARDS AND MENTIONS Grand Competition Short Film
<Circle> Berlin International Film Festival (2024) - Berlinale Shorts
<Circle> Seoul Indie-AniFest: Korean Independent Animation Film Festival (2024) - Independent Walk
<Circle> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2024) - Animated, Body-World-Being
<Dust Kid> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2024) - Animated, Body-World-Being
<Love Games> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2024) - Animated, Body-World-Being
<The Waves> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2024) - Animated, Body-World-Being
<House of Existence> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2024) - Animated, Body-World-Being
<Circle> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2024) - Korean Fantastic: Shorts/BIFAN x wavve Online Screening
<Circle> International Animated Film Festival Animator (2024)
<Circle> Annecy International Animated Film Festival (2024) - Short Films – Competition: Official
<Circle> Sydney Film Festival (2024) - SFFTV FILM FESTIVAL FAVOURITES
<House of Existence> Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival (2024) - Open Air Shorts 12: Better Life?
<House of Existence> Kaboom Animation Festival (2024) - FESTIVAL THEME: WELCOME HOME
<The Waves> Anima - Brussels International Animation Film Festival (2024) - International professional short films
<House of Existence> Tricky Women (2024) - International Competition 2
<The Waves> Hong Kong International Film Festival (2024) - Animation Unlimited
<Circle> Hong Kong International Film Festival (2024) - Short Film Competition
<House of Existence> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2023) - Asian Shorts
<The Waves> Locarno International Film Festival (2023) - Pardi di domani
<House of Existence> Fantoche International Animation Film Festival (2023) - International Competition
<My Small Doll House> London Korean Film Festival (2023) - Special Focus : KAFA 40
<House of Existence> Bucheon International Animation Festival : BIAF (2022)
<House of Existence> Bucheon International Animation Festival : BIAF (2022)
<House of Existence> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2022)
<House of Existence> Hong Kong International Film Festival (2022) - Animation Unlimited
<My Small Doll House> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2022)
<House of Existence> Berlin International Film Festival (2022) - Berlinale Shorts
<House of Existence> Animafest Zagreb - World Festival of Animated Film (2022) - Grand Competition – Short Film
<Love Games> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2019) - Fantastic Short Films - SF BONG-BONG Club : Here, Next year- Wonder Kiddy
<Dust Kid> Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (2018) - Panorama
<Dust Kid> Annecy International Animated Film Festival (2016) - Korean Animation in the 21st Century 1
<Love Games> Annecy International Animated Film Festival (2016) - Korean Animation in the 21st Century 2
<Dust Kid> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2016) - Special Programs - 20 Years, 20 Favorites
<Dust Kid> Paris Korean Film Festival (2015) - Jeune Public Special Screening
<Math Test> Tampere Film Festival (2015) - ANIMANIA: CREATIVE MADNESS
<Love Games> Sequence International Short Film Festival (2014) - Panorama - Voyage en Asie
<Love Games> Animafest Zagreb - World Festival of Animated Film (2014) - Grand Competition 5
<Love Games> Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (2014) - Lab Competition
<Love Games> Berlin International Film Festival (2013) - Berlinale Shorts
<Love Games> Ozu Film Festival (2013) - Ozu Animation
- Maneki Neko Award
<Dust Kid> Bucheon International Animation Festival : BIAF (2013) - Utopia Short Films
<Love Games> Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival (2013) - Short film Shoecase Selection
<Love Games> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2013) - New Currents
<Love Games> FEMINA - International Women's Film Festival (2013) - International Competition
<My Small Doll House> Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival : BIFAN (2013) - The Catcher in Korean Films: KAFA 30 Years
<Love Games> Chicago International Film Festival (2013) - Shorts 4: Our Lovers' Story
<Love Games> Winterthur International Short Film Festival (2013) - International Competition
<Math Test> FILMETS Badalona Film Festival (2012) - International Program
<Math Test> Tampere Film Festival (2011) - International Competition
<Math Test> Fribourg International Film Festival (2011) - Short Films 1: Monstre Bien
<Math Test> Fribourg International Film Festival (2011)
<Dust Kid> Ottawa International Animation Festival (2010) - International showcase 2
<Dust Kid> International Animation Festival HIROSHIMA (2010) - Competition
<Dust Kid> Norwegian Short Film Festival (2010) - International Short Films
<Dust Kid> Seoul International Women’s Film Festival : SIWFF (2010) - Asian Short Film & Video Competition
<Math Test> Aspen Shortsfest (2010) - Competition Program 4
<Dust Kid> Aspen Shortsfest (2010) - Competition Program 1
<Math Test> Berlin International Film Festival (2010) - Berlinale Shorts
<Dust Kid> Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (2010) - Lab competition
<Math Test> Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival (2010) - International Programs
<Dust Kid> FILMETS Badalona Film Festival (2010) - International Program
<Dust Kid> Odense International Film Festival (2009) - International
- Danish animation award, Special Mention of International Jury
<Dust Kid> Stockholm International Film Festival (2009) - Short Films
<Dust Kid> Cannes Film Festival (2009) - Directors' Fortnight
<Dust Kid> Jeongdongjin Independent Film Festival : JIFF (2009) - Section 4
<Dust Kid> AniMadrid (2009) - Competici?n Internacional De Cortometrajes 6
<My Small Doll House> Yokohama Student Film Festival (2009) - 한국영화아카데미 창립 25주년 기념
<Dust Kid> Daegu Independent Film Festival : DIFF (2009)
<My Small Doll House> Matita Film Festival (2007)
<My Small Doll House> Seoul Independent Film Festival : SIFF (2006)