• Film


Sunshine Boys (2013)
< 1999, Myeon-hoe >
  • Sunshine Boys
Sang-won, Seung-jun, and Min-wook are high school best chums. After the graduation, they are in three different places in life; Sang-won is a college student, Seung-jun studies one more year before entering college, and Min-wook performs his military service. One day, two friends visit Min-wook in the army. Seung-jun has another reason for a visit, to bring the break-up letter from Min-wook’s girlfriend, Esther. Once the three boys reunite, they spend one night of carousin...more
Genre Drama Production Status Released
Running Time 89min Release Date Feb 21, 2013
Country South Korea Rating 15
Language Korean Co-Production N
Box Office
  • Number of Screens : 20
  • Total Admissions : 3,405
  • Total Gross : $17,273
As of Jul 26, 2024
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  • INDIESTORY Inc. | indiestory@indiestory.com
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