• Film


A Girl Named Jegal Maeng-Sun (1978)
< Je-gal-maeng-sun-i >
  • A Girl Named Jegal Maeng-Sun
A country maiden Jegal Maeng-sun hitches a ride on a truck on the highway. The girl falls in love with the truck driver but he already has a girlfriend and is bothered by the girl. And then another man appears who falls in love with the girl. However, the girl is bothered by this man's attitude so she hides her whereabouts. Time passes and the girl becomes a taxi driver. She meets and helps a student who is paying his way through school. He is a happy boy with a strong will. ...more
Genre Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 105min Release Date Oct 20, 1978
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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Director & Producer
Cast Awards and Invitation
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